BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Tradenamic - ECPv5.1.4//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Tradenamic X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Tradenamic BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:UTC DTSTART:20210101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211116 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220302 DTSTAMP:20201217T082220 CREATED:20200305T145952Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200710T021107Z SUMMARY:New Payment Methods DESCRIPTION:INTRODUCING DAILY PAYOUTS FOR CLIENTS & PARTNERS\nAlways striving to optimise user experience\, Tradenamic has recently launched daily credit card withdrawals for all clients and Partners on Revenue Share and Hybrid plans. Tradenamic’ latest innovation enables clients and Partners alike to experience utmost flexibility when it comes to accessing their funds\, as they can now withdraw and receive their funds within the same day. \nWE MAKE SURE YOUR CLIENTS ENJOY ABSOLUTE FLEXIBILITY\nAt Tradenamic we understand that deposits\, transfers and withdrawals need to be quick\, intuitive and secure\, giving the client the flexibility to complete their transactions via a number of local and international payment methods; which is why we continue to expand our payments arsenal  by working with a number of reputable electronic payment systems and providers. We further employ a team of experienced payment professionals\, in addition to having 24/5 back office and support teams to help clients with any issue at hand. \nOur latest daily payouts initiative has helped us ensure an even greater level of client satisfaction which in turn leads to longer client lifetime value\, increased loyalty and better conversion rates for our Partners. Tradenamic clients also enjoy automatic deposits with absolutely no extra cost\, which enables them to start trading almost immediately after signing up for an account as well as withdraw funds within a few hours. \nWE HELP OUR PARTNERS GROW & EXPAND\nIn essence\, Tradenamic works on creating exactly the conditions our Affiliate and IB Partners need to attract traders and turn their network into a lucrative business. We make sure that our Partners’ referrals get the best possible level of support and some of the most competitive trading conditions. What is more\, we offer our  Partners some of the most lucrative customised payout plans and we support their efforts to expand their network by fully funding their forex projects and backing their marketing efforts. Partner payouts on Revenue Share and Hybrid plans are also now fully automated\, enabling Partners to withdraw their commissions on a daily basis and have the funds appear in their personal account within less than 24 hours. \n  \nINTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT PARTNERING WITH Tradenamic?\nExplore the opportunities of partnering and become a leading team by visiting our Tradenamic Partners’ Portal. \n URL: CATEGORIES:Upcoming Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Oscar%20White" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210401 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210502 DTSTAMP:20201217T082220 CREATED:20200710T150936Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200710T015241Z SUMMARY:New 2021 $20\,000 Affiliate Competition DESCRIPTION:Acknowledging our affiliates’ contribution to our success\, we are rewarding our Affiliate Partners with another competition with a total prize pool of $20\,000. The winners will be the top 3 affiliates that have generated the highest total trading volume from April 1st – May 15th 2021. \n  \nHERE’S HOW IT WORKS \nThe rules are simple\, all you need to do is refer 5 active downliners during the month of April and claim one of the top 3 places on our Leaderboard by generating the highest total trading volume from April 1st – May 15th 2021. Keep in mind that your average client trading volume needs to be at minimum $10\,000 to qualify for a prize and only new clients registered during April 1st – April 30th count towards your total trading volume. \n  \nTHE PRIZES \nThe total prize pool is $20\,000. The first prize is $13k\, the 2nd is $5k and the 3rd is $2k. All prizes will be credited directly to partner accounts and will be fully withdrawable. All existing Tradenamic Affiliates will automatically participate in the competition as long as they meet the qualification requirements. View Leaderboard. \n  \nREADY? SET… GO! \nOur forex April 2020 Affiliate Competition has just started and you may already be eligible to join\, so don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind opportunity. Contact your Tradenamic Affiliate Manager today to learn more about our December competition. \n  \nNot a partner yet? Join our Partner Program today   \n  \n URL: CATEGORIES:Upcoming Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Oscar%20White" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210401 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230405 DTSTAMP:20201217T082220 CREATED:20200605T150049Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200710T022114Z SUMMARY:Project Funding Program DESCRIPTION:Investing in long-term\, mutually beneficial and highly lucrative business relationships\, Tradenamic’ partnership program looks to offer its partners more.  At Tradenamic\, we focus on working closely with our partners\, building two-way collaborations that help our partners grow and expand\, which is why we have created the Tradenamic Forex and Crypto Project Funding program. \nWHAT TYPE OF PROJECTS DO WE FUND?\nTradenamic’ forex and crypto project funding program was created to assist new and existing Tradenamic members and Introducing investors to optimise their performance by funding or sponsoring any promising forex or crypto project ideas including trading seminars\, workshops\, online webinars and any other forex-related project with potential. Tradenamic’ forex and crypto project funding initiative gives all partners\, no matter their financial status equal opportunities to organise innovative forex projects. This means that we are also ready to support young entrepreneurs and small start-up affiliate businesses that may lack the capital but have the creative drive to host fresh and engaging forex events that will help promote Tradenamic’ award-winning trading conditions and platforms to new audiences. \nWE GIVE OUR PARTNERS MORE\nTradenamic forex and crypto project funding program goes beyond providing financial support to our partners; our partner and marketing teams are ready to support our IBs and Affiliates with planning\, promoting and organising their event. Our aim is to go above the traditional broker offering and provide our partners with added benefits that help them take their business to the next level\, such as personal support\, dedicated call centres\, competitive and transparent remuneration options and timely and secure pay-outs. \nHAVE A GREAT FX PROJECT IDEA? \nWe can fund your next forex project! Share with us your idea\, from a forex seminar to a trading gathering or online webinar\, we are ready to sponsor any promising project. Just pitch your idea to our Partners’ team by filling in the Forex Project funding application form. \n URL: CATEGORIES:Upcoming Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Oscar%20White" END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR